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Wang Mingguang [Senior Engineer]

Wang Mingguang

National Land Survey Institute Deputy Chief Engineer
Senior Engineer

Responsible of district survey and mineral exploration work. Participated, chaired and completed 17 scrolls of regional survey projects, and attended the field survey of 1:50000 Qiangtang Basin Petroleum. Hosted and completed the exploration project for Sichuan Leibo County Niuniu Village North Ore-field Phosphorite, acquiring huge phosphate rock resource volume.

Published 6 papers and successively discovered the ore-fields including Xinjiang Akqi County Sakeerde Copper Polymetallic Ore and Xinjiang Baicheng County Xialadexia Copper, Gold Polymetallic ore.


 Tibet 1∶250000 Cuoqin Region Geological Survey Report”, awarded “The Third Prize of Geological Survey Sheet” in the exhibition review by China Geology Survey Bureau.

AddTime:  2016-11-08      Views: 1195       Source: SCQD       Author: dkj